
Kotor 2 visas marr
Kotor 2 visas marr

A pity!  ) - Sys2074 14:06, 13 February 2007 (UTC)Īpart from that section being badly wookified, do we really need it? - Sikon 18:08, 7 March 2006 (UTC)

  • The veil is part of her head model and can't be taken off by any means, including third-party tools.
  • She keeps her veil on for the entire game (thankfully.) - Redemption Talk 02:52, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
  • Just wondering (haven't finished KOTOR2 yet): Is there a chance in the game to see Visas without her head cap? Did the devs gave her 3D model eye sockets or is there nothing in that place? - Sys2074 02:42, 13 February 2007 (UTC).
  • She can only see via the Force Erainor 02:23, 17 August 2006 (UTC) Sikon 18:36, (UTC)Ī Miraluka has no natural sight. There was a discussion on the Obsidian forums, but it was somewhat inconclusive.
  • When dealing with obscure KOTOR questions, the most probable answer is "unknown".
  • What exactly did Nihilus do to Visas? What is the point of cutting out the skin of the eye sockets? - Inmobilus 16:20, (UTC) I do like this picture, but is it "official?" Kath.Hound 6:08 6 June 2007 Although it's probably redundant, as it adds more to the image of a harsh villainess instead of the cute princess with a charming voice that she really is. :) (I'd prefer that screenshot with a lightsaber to look less aggressive.) - Sikon 17:11, (UTC) Yet another one (both posted by a member of ), here.
  • Two tentacles up from me - Imp 14:52, (UTC).
  • This comic is, as far as I know, the only source of an image of Visas without the veil, so. It's from the comic Star Wars Tales #24, I'm not sure if it's legal to use it (my opinion is, who cares, but you certainly won't agree). I wonder if this image can be used in addition to the main one. Well, I'm planning to replace that image from a pre-release version with a screenshot from the final game, but.

    kotor 2 visas marr

    I played with a male, became a sith, and Visas fell for me :) - Inmobilus 16:20, (UTC) For a female character, romance options are Atton and Disciple. Isn't it possible to get Visas to fall for you even if you're playing a female? I've never tried it, but that's what I've heard. 18 Is it okay for her to play a big role as your companion?.

    Kotor 2 visas marr