Pieces can be forged at a blacksmith's forge with the following components. Glass Armor requires a Smithing level of 70 and the Glass Smithing perk to create. Unenchanted pieces of armor will begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 36 and enchanted variants can be found at level However, some enchanted pieces may be found as low as level 29-31, and unenchanted pieces can begin to appear as early as level Locations include. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.It can be craftedpurchased, or found as random loot. It added CBBE TBBP versions of the original armors from Immersive Armors mod. Immersive Armors for CBBE - TBBP - Bodyslide was a CBBE HDT patch for the mod Immersive Armors. Is there a cbbe mod for cbbe TBBP Bodyslide? It does work, but it seems as if it's only aimed at the important armor. The armors that work with body mods are based on author preference, sadly. Unfortunately you need a mod that adjusts armor to match CBBE settings, but if you already have one that doesn't work, you might just be SOL. I'm not sure how old or good these are compared to Caliente's Vanilla Outfits, they're just what came up in a simple search: Do you need a body mod for cbbe? Here's a few mods that have BodySlide files for the vanilla armors, which you could use to get CBBE versions of those armors. Are there any cbbe mods for Vanilla armors? I don't know if you've tried any of these or not.

EDIT: I went and found a few things for you to look into.

Depends on if you view skimpy armor and half-naked chicks immersion breaking or not.

Some mods just make the vanilla armor fill out to reflect the proportions of CBBE, and some radically skimpify all armor in the game. Frequently Asked Questions How can I Make my armor reflect cbbe?