There are three 'wrist spikes', which are small, more needle-like fixtures in rusty, shiny, and glass variants, as well as a concealed blade that has a metallic wrist wrapping, and a camouflaged blade, which “looks like it is camouflaged as army fatigues” and “bears a strange rank chevron”. There are multiple versions included in the mod to pick from, too. Assassin's Creed hasn't yet visited the retro-futurist, post-apocalyptic Commonwealth yet, after all. And the good news is they've now come to another big open-world game: Fallout 4.įallout 4 fan LeahTheUnknown has posted a new mod hilariously called 'A Sassy Creed – Wrist Weapons', which – yep, you guessed it – adds some “wrist-mounted weapons inspired by some other game…” Going by the pictures of the hidden blades, they look really faithful to the real deal, though naturally with a Fallout-style spin on them. You'd most likely also think of that arm bling they're always sporting – the hidden blades – as they're a really cool bit of kit. If I say 'Assassin's Creed', what do you think of? A massively popular action-adventure games series? An ancient order of jumped-up killers saying stuff like 'requiescat in pace' a lot? Hooded hooligans flinging themselves off buildings into what are surely not unbreakable carts of hay? Probably.