Your arsenal is reinforced by deadly grenades, traps, and other special items.

Prairie Fire refers to the "Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group" (MACV-SOG), which was a United States Special Forces unit established in 1964 to conduct covert operations in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Prairie Fire is also available for sale here. In addition, Arma 3 base game will be on discount for a limited time with a 75% off, and it’s other DLCs for up to 66% off. Prairie Fire DLC is available on Steam now, for only $19.54 USD - that’s including a 15% discount offered by Bohemia Interactive on the first week of release. Prairie Fire transports players back to the Vietnam War and delivers a thrilling and historic military sandbox experience on a scale not seen before in a video game. PRAGUE, Czech Republic – May 6, 2021- Publisher Bohemia Interactive and third-party developer Savage Game Design are excited to be launching today the latest Creator DLC for Arma 3 on Steam. Enjoy a 75% discount for the base game on Steam up until May 13. Prairie Fire takes you into the Vietnam War. Prairie Fire Launches Today on Steam Available now on Steam for purchase, the latest and ambitious Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G.